
Tuesday, February 26, 2013

and the oscar goes to...

LOVE THE OSCARS. (my husbands fam thinks im crazy for it.) haha

My dad and I have this crazy love for movies. It is always something we get to talk about and could forever. Love sharing that with him! :) 

Anyways, he always ends up watching most of the best pic nominee's because I don't get a chance too. So with our educated guesses we usually pick out the right one! HOWEVER...lately it has been way off. And it's mainly because of the politics and everything that goes with it. It's much more evident now. LAME SAUCE. 

FOR example. There were a lot of great best pics, Les Mis, Life of Pi, Argo, Lincoln, etc. BUT Argo ended up taking it all. It wasn't a bad movie, but quoting my father "good but not best pic good". Usually a best picture includes best director, actor or actress, etc. Argo didn't get anything else. strange? ya. It has happened though but very rare. OH AND WHAT THE MICHELLE OBAMA haha. I knew if she was announcing the winner there was no way she would accept a win to a movie about a republican president. that was weird anyways.

BEST PIC should have BEST everything or somewhat best of something haha. 

we both thought LINCOLN should have taken it.
 1. Great actors/actresses who know what the heck they are doing. (Sally Field, Daniel Day Lewis,  and my favorite Joseph Gordon Levitt. hello hottie)

2. Who directed it? OH STEPHEN SPIELBERG amazing of course. ever heard of E.T.?

3. Honest abe was a great president who went through so much. I think mr. spielberg showed who he was as a person not only as a president but personally. Movies that capture such emotion for even one moment seal the deal for me. Angles, the story line, character flaws and strengths. Lincoln had it all. I love leaving the theater and you can't stop thinking about the movie forever is the greatest :) 
(I could say a lot more but hey this is a blog not a novel haha


(Joseph and Harry haha so cute loved their little dance)

outfits i loved: don't care if you agree or not haha. 

(these guys were the cutest and i loved Jenna's dress for being preggers)

Kerry Washington's was honestly my fav: 

Les Miserables cast singing their hearts out. Gave me chills. (Anne deserved the win FOR sure!!!)

Jennifer Lawrence falling haha. She is classy and spunky love it. The best was her press conference after: PRESS ROOM.

Seth McFarlene: Honestly thought he did a good job. All hosts are crude and weird anyways haha. I enjoyed it :) 

Loved that "PAPERMAN" won best animated short. So cute watch it! :) 


adele. what kinda... haha jk she did awesome! and her song won: Skyfall :) she is amazing.


K-Stew. Her hair looked greasy and her dress didn't fit her personality. She was limping and she is so awkward in public. I honestly felt bad for her. All in all, she should have stayed home and took care of her leg or whatever was wrong. 

 I want to write so much more but I have written enough haha. 
What did you think about the oscars? :) If you tell me then i'll tell a little more.

Check out my friends blog for her favs: REECE'S PIECES

Thank you oscars! You didn't disappoint, well maybe a little. 

(pics by google. they seriously have everything.)


  1. K-stew is always gross to me! I vote she ALWAYS stays home! haha :)

  2. So I keep trying to comment on your blog and it keeps not letting me darn it!! :) hopefully this one works. But I just found it and i love it!!! And I love that you love movies so much. This makes me like you even more. I mean I should've known... We did work at carmike together. :) but I loved that video of Jennifer Lawrence...soooo funny. And I agree with all things said on this post. :)
