
Sunday, November 16, 2014

personal inventory...

I like to think of taking stock as an inventory of my life. Haven't taken inventory for sometime and it sounded like fun haha. 


Making: Well didn't make much today, but on Friday I made homemade brownies. Delicious.

Cooking: I usually like cooking but today I just don't like it.

Drinking: Water with ice! Just the best.

Reading: I have been trying to finish a book for like a month and I don't make time for it. It is "The Death Cure" the last book in the Maze Runner series. I can do it! :)

Watching: Not the Broncos, they lost today :( But Breaking Bad is pretty legit.

Wanting: Thanksgiving to be here! Excited to see all Ryan's family! 

Looking: For a play kitchen for Blaire, and a new bedroom comforter set/pillows/etc. 

Playing: Nothing? BUT I went to this legit dance party and they gave all guests a game and I chose Battleship. haha

Wasting: HOLY GARBAGE! After two kids garbage seems to pile so much more. Or we are eating more? haha One of the two. 

Sewing: My grandma is giving me her serger. Life = COMPLETE 

Wishing: The dealership lights behind our apartment would shut off! They are on all night and shine through our windows like the sun is 5 feet away. Kind of bugging. 

Enjoying: My two littles! They make Ryan and I laugh 24/7 and we are so grateful to have them. We are learning a lot about love from them.  

Waiting: For me to stop worrying so much about things. You know when you have those days where your mind is going a mile a minute trying to figure out this and that? Seriously, makes me exhausted! Yesterday was one of those days. 

Liking: The fact that I don't care what people think anymore like I used to 5 plus years ago, haha seriously. It is a great feeling.

Wondering: (maybe calculating) When I need to feed Brooks again. 
He is always hungry, every two and a half hours on the dot! haha It is nice, but not at night when we should be sleeping, silly babe. 

Loving: My business! It is still slow moving, simple, but it is mine! I enjoy doing it! 

Hoping: My headache goes away :/ Never had headaches until I got my IUD in haha so WEIRD! 

Marveling: At our beautiful view! The mountains are gorgeous in Utah! And so close to us! Heavenly Father sure knows beauty! :) 

Needing: A new wardrobe. Who wants to go shopping? (#stillhavepregofat #clothesdontfit #outofstyle #needsomemoredough #wishiwasamasterclothesmaker)

Smelling: Winter, you know that cold brisk type smell? haha (oh and brooks just pooped).

Wearing: Comfy plaid sweats, white V-neck and an orange jacket - love my comfy Sundays.

Following: Too many things on Instagram. I went and cleaned it all up, following businesses that I don't even like, etc. Mainly because I would follow them\from a previous giveaway and never look at their stuff again. It feels good to get rid of them haha in a good way!

Noticing: How fast time is going. There are such fun moments with our little babes! But the more they get older, the more fun moments we have. I know we will blink and our kids will have kids! 
I love it!

Knowing: That there is hope in the Savior and His atonement helps.

Thinking: How I have a happy life :)

Feeling: Full from lunch!

Bookmarking: Ways to help Blaire and her speech, new places to live, and how to sew certain things that I struggle with.

Opening: My mouth because I am yawning. 

Giggling: At the kids answers in primary today, my kids facial expressions, my husbands silly jokes haha. 

Feeling: Thankful! There is good in the world and I get to have a part of it everyday! :) 

Much Love,


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